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Large Dollar Collections


(404) 373-5153

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Large Dollar Collections In Atlanta

We have three decades of experience collecting large debts – those over $250,000, and we frequently collect debts of millions of dollars. We can reduce your large debt to a Judgment, if your promissory note or guaranty agreement is not already reduced to Judgment. We can collect your Judgment, if the Judgment has already been entered. We can domesticate out-of-state Judgments in Georgia when you have a Judgment from another state. And, we can renew or extend the life of your Judgment if its validity of it is about to lapse due to the passage of time. 

Reducing Your Claim To Judgment

We regularly obtain large Judgments on promissory notes, personal guarantees, and similar debt obligations. Large dollar collection litigation often has considerations that do not exist in other litigation. We do not expect parties who owe hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars on a promissory note or personal guaranty to make the process fast or easy. We have the experience to overcome the delay tactics and red herrings that defendants faced with large debt claims often employ. We have collected from dozens of defendants involved in tax shelters, scores of individuals and companies obligated on large promissory notes and personal guaranty agreements, and individuals and companies in Europe and South America. Contact us about turning your promissory note claim, or personal guaranty claim, into a Judgment now.

Collecting Your Large dollar Judgment

Collecting large Judgments often involves techniques that go beyond the usual process for collecting smaller Judgments. For instance, collection agencies and law firms that focus on smaller consumer debts and smaller business debts often rely on phone calls, dunning letters, negative credit reporting, and similar techniques. 

In contrast, we utilize our specialized experience collecting large Judgments through approaches such as:

  • Fraudulent transfer litigation – including bringing lawsuits under the Uniform Voidable Conveyance Act and its predecessor, the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, which can be used to claw-back money or property transferred from a debtor to family members, companies owned by the debtor, or other ‘insiders’ of the debtor, along with other remedies;
  • Receiverships – a technique in which a court appoints a lawyer, accountant, or similar person to take over companies or assets of the debtor to run them or sell them for the benefit of the creditor; 
  • Deep dive post-judgment discovery – debtors who owe large amounts often have interests in businesses, real property, and other assets, and frequently take steps to conceal those assets, which we have experience finding through bank account searches, real property transfer searches, and in-depth depositions that take a deep dive into how a debtor lives when they claim not to have income or assets, which we will explore with a debtor under oath for hours in order to find the techniques they employ that, in turn, let us collect form them, their companies, or their family members;
  • Foreclosures – including foreclosing on property transferred after a Judgment lien has attached to it;
  • Charging orders – a charging order allows a creditor to seize all distributions / dividends that would otherwise be paid by a company to a debtor when the debtor has an ownership interest in a partnership or LLC; 
  • Pursuing officers & directors – sometimes a corporate debtor has engaged in misconduct for which is officers and directors can become liable, giving us an avenue to recover from additional sources. The misconduct may be as simple as repaying an “insider’s” loans to a company before paying other creditors, repaying an “insider’s” company credit card before paying other creditors, etc. 

Contact us regarding what methods we can employ to collect your large Judgment now. 

Domesticating Your Out-Of-State Judgment

Atlanta is a regional, national, and international business hub. The large volume of commerce connected to Atlanta has led to a need for collections in Atlanta for businesses and individuals from the Southeast, from throughout the United States, and from around the world.  We domesticate out-of-state Judgments for businesses and individuals who need to collect large Judgments in Georgia. 

Contact us regarding domesticating your out-of-state large Judgment now.

Renewing/Extending The Life Of Your Judgment

Judgments lapse after a period of years and become unenforceable. We have experience with the procedures utilized to renew / extend the length of validity of large Judgments in Georgia. 

There are tine limits on when a Judgment can be renewed, or revived, so you should be diligent in taking the steps that keep your large Judgment valid. 

Contact us regarding how we can renew or extend the life of your Judgment before too much time passes to do so. 

Contingency Fee, Flat Fee, Mixed fee, And Other Fee arrangements

We have enough experience collecting large Judgments to be confident that we can properly evaluate your situation to maximize the ability to find money and assets and seize them. That experience lets us offer fee arrangements other than traditional billing by the hour. We regularly collect large dollar Judgments on contingency fees, flat fees, mixed fees (an amount paid at the outset, and a reduced contingency amount), or though other fee arrangements. Put our experience to work to collect your large Judgment without having to pay a lawyer hourly. 

Contact Our Atlanta Large Dollar Collections Attorney Today

If you need help with large dollar collections in Atlanta, please call us today to find out how we will collect your large dollar Judgment. Our Atlanta large dollar collections attorneys at Robl Law Group are ready to fight for you.